Sarah Jons Cognitive Hypnotherapist I Transformational Breath Trainer
It’s not your fault that you smoke!
Although it’s pretty bad for you if you do! Most smokers get to a point that they want to quit and try to stop. It’s pretty hard to do so with pure willpower, and relapses are common. The subconscious has been hijacked into believing that cigarettes have numerous positive benefits.
Part of the brain of a smoker actually believes smoking is the right choice to deal with everyday situations. It’s a tool to manage emotions. Smokers believe (subconsciously) that ciggies help them to relax if they’re stressed; keep them company if they’re lonely; comfort them if they’re sad, or even satiate them if they’re hungry.
Stopping smoking is the single best thing you can do for your health. It can add years to your life, and improve the quality of your health (and save you thousands of pounds in the long run). I know you already know this. As an ex- smoker who finally quit with hypnotherapy (after years of relapses), you might wish like me that you had considered it sooner.
The glamour, excitement, rule-breaking, peer pressure associated with your earliest memories of your first ‘ciggies’ needs to be identified, isolated and re coded. When this happens that part of you that wants to smoke disappears. This lays the foundation for you to just stop more easily than you imagined.
Hypnotherapy for Quitting Smoking
My first question to you will be, are you really ready to quit? And it’s ok if you’re not ready yet, as it can take some time to come round to making this decision.
I will send you a pre-session questionnaire, and once you’ve completed this step, we will arrange an intensive session. This is your stopping smoking process, so you need to be motivated and work in alignment with me. What’s been learnt, needs to be undone, that part of you that thinks it’s ok to smoke will realise it’s not your fault and understand that it’s better for you not to do so anymore .
Through guided imagery you will imagine a future free of cigarettes, and rehearse situations that put you at risk of a relapse with a bunch of tools and techniques to support you through the following weeks.