
Sarah Jons Cognitive Hypnotherapist I Transformational Breath Trainer

Sleep Tips

Sleep Tips

Some of us have difficulty sleeping. So here are some simple sleep tips for you to follow.
  • Take some regular exercise every day, not too late, mornings or late afternoons are best.     
  • If you need an afternoon nap, limit yourself to no longer than 45 minutes.
  • Your bedroom is your sanctuary, so keep your bedroom as dark as possible, block out any light through the windows, and don’t sleep with any lights on. Sleeping with lights on may interfere with melatonin which helps promote deeper sleep, better mood as well as boosting and repairing our immune system.
  • Make sure you bed is comfortable, if not buy a new one soon
  • Stop smoking, nicotine is a stimulant and smokers can take more time to fall asleep.
  • Alcohol inhibits sleep as well, making it more likely for your sleep to be disturbed. Give it up or cut it down. 
  • Cut down on caffeine, definitely not in the evening, say no to those after dinner espressos or decaf them.
  • Practice some meditation or simple breathing exercises ( my favourite) just before bed time.
  • Remember bed is for sleeping, cuddling & making love, nothing else.
  • Curl your toes tightly for a count of 8, then relax, then start to slowly work up through the rest of your muscles, tensing and relaxing as you go.  You might find yourself just drifting off.
  • Drink a warm milky drink around fifteen minutes before you are due to go bed. Milk when heated contains tryptophan, which helps to induce sleep. 
  • Listen to an appropriate hypnosis download with binaural beat
Practice the above sleeping tips regularly. Other usual links with information about sleeping tips http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sleep/articles/advicetips.shtml Sleeping tips for teenagers (Good luck with this one) http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Childrenssleep/Pages/teensleeptips.aspx Take this test to find out if you are getting enough sleep http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sleep/profiler/ If your problem is more deeply rooted, then get in touch  

Sleep Paralysis a most frightening phenomenon

Have you ever suffered from sleep paralysis?

Sleep Paralysis can strike at any time. I was a terrible sleeper for years and took all sorts of medication to help me sleep. It’s effectiveness waned after time. There were many attributable factors going on in my life leading up to that period. When my sleep was bad for several days this triggered episodes of sleep paralysis. I remember vividly the first time it happened. I was sleeping in bed alone and woke up in the middle of the night in my pitch black room. I was convinced there was someone in the room, I heard mumbled voices that didn’t make much sense, but sounded as though they were being replayed on the slow speed of a tape recorder. The freaky thing is that I couldn’t move. I was aware of some vibrations somewhere…inside or around me.. but I couldn’t move. I tried to call out… but I couldn’t speak.  My body was paralyzed. Maybe I was having a stroke, or something worse that I couldn’t identify. Minutes or seconds seemed longer. Time slowed down. But then it passed. I think I fell back asleep, but I’m not sure. It left me exhausted and drained. I was worried about what had happened and it took a while before I had a diagnosis.
Sleep Paralysis is quite common
Apparently sleep paralysis is quite common, especially with those who suffer from insomnia or stress. A recent study showed nearly 30% of respondents had suffered it at least once in their lives. Suffers of narcolepsy can experience it more frequently. What I now believe is that there are usually life contributory factors at play.  Whenever I experience sleep paralysis its normally as a consequence of something out of balance in my physical, emotional and mental health. The infrequent times I struggle to sleep well are related to worry, jet lag , or staying up too late.
Sleep and Hypnosis
If you don’t sleep well or suffer from insomnia, what’s behind it? It’s a symptom of something. If you need help dealing with insomnia, sleep paralysis, or poor sleep habits, hypnosis can help.  Find out more, Get in Touch with me Sarah Jons London Hypnotherapist .
 Further reading about sleep paralysis
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3405110/You-t-scream-s-intruder-bedroom-terrifying-symptoms-sleep-paralysis-revealed.html http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/08/sleep_paralysis/
Documentary examines some of the symptoms of Sleep Paralysis
  By Sarah Jons